May 15, 2011

SW logs 15.05.2011

3975, 0038, Azad Kashmir Radio, Rawalpindi, local mx, 23322
3985, 0040, Glas Hrvatske, Deanovec, local pop mx, 54434
5885, 0116, Radio Farda, Biblis, male id, persian mx, 23322
7475, 0043, Voice of Greece, Avlis, greek folk mx, 55544
9315, 0058, Radio Cairo, Abu Zaabal, spa, male talks, anthem, 54554
9535, 0054, REE, Noblejas, spa, male talks, terror px, 44433
9870, 0118, Voice of Turkey, Emirler, spa, male talks, 52544
11545, 1614, Voice of Korea, Kujang, eng, male talks, 22222
11580, 0105, WYFR, Okeechobee, spa, male, bible reading, 24222
11700, 1641, Radio Bulgaria, Plovdiv, spa, talks, 54544
13670, 0108, Radio Habana Cuba, La Julia, spa, female, nx, 43333
15190, 0034, Rádio Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte, por, talks 33322
15345, 0111, RAE, General Pacheco, spa, talks, 44343
15850, 1627, Galei Zahal, Tel Aviv, hebrew, female id, 34323
17725, 1616, Voice of Africa, Sabrata, Santana mx, 23222
17765, 0031, Voice of America, Tinang, chinese, talks, 22222