January 24, 2015

SW logs 24.01.15

5905, 0026, IBRA Radio, Tashkent, subcontinent male mx with choruses, 23322
6000, 0029, Radio Habana Cuba, La Habana, spa, male talks, Mesa Redonda px, 24322
6100, 1958, Int. Radio Serbia, Bijeljina, eng, male announcer, 44544
7335, 0001, CNR 2, Baoji-Sifangshan 724, chinese, female talks, 24322
7365, 0005, Radio Marti, Greenville B, spa, male tals, 44333
7465, 0003, Radio Tirana, Shijak, albanian, female, nx, 34433
9325, 1355, KTWR, Agana, korean, female talks, 23332
9655, 0015, CNR 13, Lingshi 725, uyghur, male announcer, //9890, 34433
9820, 1956, Radio Australia, Shepparton, eng, male talks, 23322
9830, 1954, RFI, Meyerton, fr, female, nx, 44333
9965, 0007, Radio Cairo, Abis, eng, female, teaching arab, 55555
9975, 1357, KTWR, Agana, chinese, female talks, 23222
11695, 1410, NHK Radio Japan, Tashkent, eng, female announcer, 33333
11940, 1723, RNE 1, Noblejas, spa, male talks, football match, //9620, //11685, 34433
15120, 0945, Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu, eng, female talks, 44343
15140, 1610, Radio Holy Quran of Sultanate of Oman, Thumrait, ar, male, id, 55544
15275, 1350, Deutsche Welle, Kigali, hausa, male announcer, 33333
15465, 0942, Radio Taiwan Int., Paochung, cantonese, female talks, 34333
15470, 1346, Radio Vaticana, Tinian Island, vietnamese, male talks, 23232
15755, 1341, TWR India, Tashkent, hindi male mx, 34433
17730, 1323, Radio Habana Cuba, La Habana, spa, male talks, 23332
17755, 1304, Voice of Turkey, Emirler, ger, male talks, 44444
21780, 1321, Deutsche Welle, Dhabbaya, hausa, female talks, 24333

7060 SSB, 0954, EA7URI, QSO with EA7ANR, 57
28475 SSB, 1243, RW3DSR, calling CQ, 54