February 14, 2013

SW logs 14.02.13

4010, 1907, Kyrgyz Radio 1, Krasnaya Rechka, kyrgyz, female speech, 24322
4780, 1928, Radio Djibouti, Djibouti, male local mx, 24322
4810, 1902, Voice of Armenia, Yerevan-Gavar, ar, male announcer, 24322
4880, 1854, SW Radio Africa, Meyerton, eng, female, nx, 24333
5905, 1953, Radio Rossii, Moskva-Taldom, russian, male talks, 34323
6000, 1859, Radio Polonia, Kostinbrod, female mx, 34333
7570, 2003, Voice of Korea, Kujang, fr, male announcer, 23222
9325, 1916, Voice of Korea, Kujang, ger, male talks, 23332
9400, 1919, Voice of Russia, Kishinev-Grigoriopol, fr, male talks, 55544
9455, 0114, CNR 8, Lingshi 725, kazakh, female talks, 23322
9526, 2009, Voice of Indonesia, Jakarta-Cimanggis, fr, female, nx, 44433
9720, 0111, Radio Cairo, Abu Zaabal, spa, male talks, 44444
9940, 1913, TWR Africa, Manzini, lingala, male talks, 34443
11730, 1852, Radio Belarus, Minsk-Kalodzicy, ger, female talks, 34443
11945, 1850, RFA, Dushanbe-Orzu, chinese, male talks, 44444
12045, 1959, Deutsche Welle, Meyerton, por, female, nx, 34333